Madrasah Islamiah

Funeral and other arrangements

Islamic Society of Greater Houston (ISGH) provides funeral services for all Muslims living in Houston.

ISGH has its own funeral home at 11815 Adel Road, Houston, TX 77067
Phone: (281)-537-1946.

Deceased are buried in the Muslim section of Forest Lawn Cemetary at 88701 Almeda Genoa, Houston, TX 77025.
Cemetery Phone: (713) 649-1006 (713) 991-2313.

Muslims now have the option to bury with or without a casket.

Please call ISGH Director at (713) 822-1091 for details and arrangemtns. You can also visit ISGH website to get more details.

Madrasah Islamiah    6665 Bintliff,  Houston, TX  77074     (713) 772 - 7000
Funeral & Cemetery Islamic Will Halal, Haram Food
Directions Suggestions/Comments